My Hope for You

I hope one day you feel chosen
Hope that you stop wishing your heart was frozen
That you stop thinking love is a game you always lose
That you stop believing you’ll never be the one they choose

You’re probably tired of chasing after love
The kind they say fits you like a glove
You wouldn’t have to beg for it if it were real
If only you could control how you feel

I hope one day you realize you’re worthy of all the love there is
Even if you’ve only ever wanted his

Dear Child Me

If you were mine I’d read you stories until you fell asleep
I’d give you my strength whenever you felt weak
I’d hug you tighter and tighter every day
Love you in all and every way

If you were mine I’d hold your hand throughout your life
Never letting go even after handing you to a husband or wife
I’d see you, I’d listen to you and I’d believe you
I’d tell you how worthy you are of love even when you didn’t believe it was true

If you were mine I’d protect you against all the monsters
The ones in your head, out in the street and under your bed
I’d protect you from me, from my own fears
I’d cry with you whilst I dried your tears

If you were mine I’d say I’m proud
I’d make sure to scream it out loud
I wouldn’t wait until it was too late
I wouldn’t let you get filled with hate

Dear me, I’m sorry I wasn’t there
That you were alone, that no one seemed to care
I’m doing my best to make it up now, I swear
We’ll heal you together, our heart we’ll repair